Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Little Bit About Me!

What Is your Occupation? Hmmmmmm, cook, maid, taxi driver, teacher, friend, disciplinarian, Hugger, Kisser of bo bo's, nurse, referee, accountant, secretary, critter catcher, lost and found, shoulder to cry on, Joker, game player, book reader.

What Color are your socks that you have on right now? oh they are really cute, they have little kitty cat heads on the side of them, they are called spa socks or something like that they are really comfortable. They are green with white strips.

What are you listening to? The sound of my fingers hitting the keyboard and my freezer humming right behind me.

What was the last thing you ate? some cupcake batter. :)

Can you drive a stick shift? Yes!

Last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom!

How old are you? hmmm I think this year I wanted to be 23 again, Like I was last year. hehehehehehehee. I'm not telling.

What is your favorite sport to watch on Tv? NASCAR

What is your favorite drink? Code red mountain dew!

Have you ever dyed your hair? yes! But it has been a looooooooooong, lonnnnnnnn time ago.

Favorite food? Zaxby's chicken. mmmmmmm

What was the last movie you watched? Capser and Wendy.

Favorite day of the year? The day when my tax refund comes in the mail. :)

How do you vent anger? I rant and rave and sometimes yell.

what was your favorite toy as a child? barbie

What is your favorite season? Fall.

Cherries or blueberries? depends if it is cherry pie or a blue berry muffin.

Living arrangements? A three bedroom two bath house with my kids and husband and cat and dog.

When was the last time you cried? Probably sometime last week.

what is on the floor of your closet? Shoes, ummmm alittle bit of everything.

What did you do last night? played games on pogo.com

What are you most afraid of? heights, being alone, snakes, mice

Plain, Cheesey or spicey hamburger? Cheesey!

Favorite Dog breed? lol! ummm I don't really have one, I just like dogs who like me! lol

Favorite day of the week? Friday

How many states have you lived in? 4

Diamonds of perals? Neither, I don't wear any jewley expcept my wedding ring which has some diamonds in it.

What is your favorite flower? Any flowers my husband brings me! :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What's Cookin?

So I'm not the world' best cook or house keeper, but I do try and sometimes I even amaze myself. I actually made my own taco chips. All I did was buy some tortila's which were $.89 per package, I picked up two of them. I than used my pizza cutter and cut each tortila into four triangels. Than I fried them in a little oil and ta da! We had homemade chips for less than $2.00. Yes I was very proud of myself. Everyone enjoyed them, and they were really easy to make and so much cheaper than buying them premade in the store.

Now for my next trick. I made my very first Roast chicken. It was so good, everyone enjoyed it. Than I had the bright idea of taking what was still left and pulling it off the bone and freezing it. And later on that same week we had crockpot chicken and dumplings. Sorry I didn't get a chance to take a picture of it. But I was very proud of myself for having made two meals out of this chicken.


Watermelon still on the vine!

Field full of Watermelons.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Catching UP!

Hello. Sorry it's been awhile. No I haven't forgot about my blog, I just haven't found the time to update it. I have been reading my friends blogs, but just not my own. Oops!

As you can see from my previous post we did in fact go to lake Juliette this summer. We liked it so much that I decided to take the Girl Scout Troop next weekend with their parents of course. We are going swimming, eating a picnic lunch and we are going to visit Jarrell Plantation. I am excitied about going, and so are the girls.

This summer we really didn't do much. The girls both particpated in the Library summer reading program and I participated in my own summer reading program, hehehe. Any excuse I can find to read a book I take it. I love to read. I have also found out that my yougest Loves to read also. She is a good reader, both of my girls are good readers.

We also took the girls with a couple of their friends to Six Flags over Georgia, which they loved. I am not a roller coaster person, but I did enjoy the water rides and just watching the kids have a good time. It was an excausting day, but it was worth it. I didn't get many pics from the trip , even though I took my camera. I did take a picture of Skull Island, which is a water park inside of six flags, the kids enjoyed it and so did mama and daddy.

Also during the summer we lost a dear family member. Our little dog duke,

He was accidetaly ran over. The kids and I were heart broken. So we went in search of a new doggie. Which was very hard to do because you can't replace a beloved dog with another one. We searched for weeks and we ended up getting lucky. A dear friend of ours daughter had a full blooded border collie female who was a year old. They did not have time to spend with her. So they gave her to us, what luck!

Her name is ......

This is Bella at the lake. She is a water dog, she loves to play in the water and loves the girls. She is such a good dog. We are really happy with her. She allready knows how to shake, sit and stay. She can be trusted to be let off the lease, and she will come back to you when you call her. She loves to go in the truck or car with us. We couldn't ask for a better dog.

Now on to the Girls, Our youngest Graduated from Kindergarten in May. ( She started 1st grade in August) They did a remake of high school musical, except they called it Primary School Muscial. She was so excitied, she had a special part in it. She got to lip sink to the song " the start of something new" With her little friend who just happened to be a boy. lol! Her daddy and I had some fun with her on that. It was so cute. Here is a picture from the musical, if I put the girls pictures up on the web you might see alot of fuzzy, discolored, back of the head shots,etc.. of the girls.

As for my oldest she had to go to summer school becuase she did not pass the crct. She tried her best, which is all that her dad and I have ever asked of her. So she ended up in the end having to repeat 3rd grade. Which we have been trying ever since she was in the 1st grade to have her held back. It is a good thing for her, she can have an extra year to catch up.

So as you can see our summer was busy. And now with the kids back in school, I am at home. Keeping up with the mountains of laundry and dishes. Girl Scouts also started back up so I had to get all of that stuff ready to go for this year.

Well that's about it for now. I will post again soon.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Lake Juliette

Just wanted to let you know that I found this really neat free picture editor. You can find it at http://www.picnik.com/

You should go and check it out!

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker