Thursday, September 11, 2008

What's Cookin?

So I'm not the world' best cook or house keeper, but I do try and sometimes I even amaze myself. I actually made my own taco chips. All I did was buy some tortila's which were $.89 per package, I picked up two of them. I than used my pizza cutter and cut each tortila into four triangels. Than I fried them in a little oil and ta da! We had homemade chips for less than $2.00. Yes I was very proud of myself. Everyone enjoyed them, and they were really easy to make and so much cheaper than buying them premade in the store.

Now for my next trick. I made my very first Roast chicken. It was so good, everyone enjoyed it. Than I had the bright idea of taking what was still left and pulling it off the bone and freezing it. And later on that same week we had crockpot chicken and dumplings. Sorry I didn't get a chance to take a picture of it. But I was very proud of myself for having made two meals out of this chicken.

1 comment:

Full of Grace said...

That was very cool about the tortilla chips! I never even thought about doing that before!
I like to do the same with my roast chickens- I pull off the leftovers and freeze them for chicken soup later on :)

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